Amiga Plus 2000 #4
Amiga Plus CD - 2000 - No. 4.iso
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Text File
88 lines
Automatic Reader 1.0
This program is FREEWARE or if you prefer EMAILWARE...
(However you can be quite sure it may be somethingWARE).
This is a little utility that makes your Amiga read text files.
It was written in ACE Basic, a simple but free evolution of AmigaBasic.
The program must be launched from CLI, and accepts some command line parameters:
Where the FILENAME are the fullpath name of file to read.
If you want a requester you can pass REQUESTER instead of filename.
FONT is a font name (topaz, times or something else...),
SIZE is the number of the font size (limited from 6 to 16),
VOICE inicates the sex of the Automatic Reader (F or M, at the moment...-)
You can add the letter S to the VOICE parameter to have a slow reading.
WINDOWW is the pixel width of the window, and can range from 150 to 640.
WINDOWH is the pixel height of the window, and can range from 100 to 400.
SCREEN must be WB, NONE, or OWN.
WB for the WorkBench screen, NONE for non window speaking,
and OWN for an own screen (a very ugly looking screen (too bad)).
If the window height is bigger than 200 the OWN screen will be 640 x 400,
otherwise you will have an 640 x 200 non laced screen.
If you select NONE parameter you can terminate the execution by pressing
the left Mouse button for a while.
AutomaticReader ReadMeNOWorDie.Doc XEN 13 F 580 200 OWN
AutomaticReader REQUESTER topaz 8 ms 640 400 wb
Note: Parameters can be Upper or Lower case.
The default settings are XEN 11 font (or topaz 8, in absence), M voice,
640 x 200 window, WB screen, and are used in absence of parameters,
or if they are wrong.
If a filename is missing will be opened a file requester.
The parameters must be passed in the same order of the example
(So if you want pass "OWN" screen, you must pass all the other parameters).
The program quits at the end of file only if you passed a filename by
CLI parameter (useful for Dopus usage).
Otherwise you must quit by gadget or menu.
For Italian users:
Potete usare il file ITALIANO.ACCENT da usare con la translator.library v.42
riveduto e corretto per una migliore pronuncia (non aspettatevi miracoli però).
Incluso in questo archivio.
This program was written without great pretence, so you can use it at your own
risk, and I'm not responsible for things that can happen to your machines.
But on my machine goes very well, and at moment it isn't still exploded.
Known problems:
You can launch the program from WorkBench, but it will crash at the End,
and you can't pass the parameters.
To make things more easy I made a Script Icon to launch it from WB like
a CLI command.
I have tested this program only on my 1200 with 060, OS 3.5 and AGA.
That's all folks...
Maurizio Di Francesco
(Address in progress...)
EMail: MC6609@mclink.it